
A company named for “JE” followed by these components offers some of them with asymmetric skirts that have less mass on the minor side. The asymmetry of these components due to thermal expansion is called ovality. Cross scavenging requires these components to have a deflector, but modern Schnürle (“sh’newr-leh”)-type designs with loop scavenging obviate the deflector. Based on the relative amount that these components move, designs are classified as square, oversquare, or undersquare. Each of these components has three rings, where the bottommost scraper ring moves oil into drain holes. These components’ dwell time refers to how long they stay at top dead center. A wrist pin links these components to a connecting rod, which attaches these components to the crankshaft. The distance traveled by one of these components is the stroke length. For (-5[1])10 points, name these components of internal combustion engines that move inside cylinders. ■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: pistons [reject “cylinder,” “engines,” or “internal combustion engines”]
<Other Science>
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Danny HanPenn AWUSTL B132-5
June YinWUSTL BPenn A14610


2023 ACF Nationals04/22/2023Y1100%0%100%146.00