
Late in life, failing eyesight led Jean-Baptiste-Simeon Chardin (“zhahn bap-TEEST sim-ee-AHN sharr-DON”) to adopt this medium, which he used in Self-Portrait with an Eyeshade. (10[1])Jean Perréal (“zhahn pair-ray-ALL”) is credited with inventing this medium, which he first used to enhance drawings of Louis XII’s (“the twelfth’s”) military campaigns. Maurice-Quentin de la Tour was among the most acclaimed of the estimated 2,500 artists specializing in this medium in 1780s Paris. Though she first found success with miniatures, this medium brought renown to Rosalba (10[2])Carriera. (10[3])This medium largely (10[1])replaced the trois crayon (-5[1])(“trwah crah-yohn”) technique when it exploded in popularity in the 18th century, and it was repopularized a century (-5[1])later (-5[1])by the Impressionists. (-5[1])Traditionally, (-5[2])gum arabic binders held together (-5[1])the pigments (10[1])used in this medium in bars. (-5[1])For 10 points, name this medium that uses sticks of (10[1])unmixed colors, (10[2])which lends its name to (10[1])pale, (10[1])low-saturation (10[2])colors. (10[2])■END■ (10[6]0[1])

ANSWER: pastels [accept dry pastels; accept oil pastels; accept pastel crayons; accept pastel drawings; accept pastel on paper; prompt on crayons until “trois crayon” is read]
<Painting & Sculpture>
= Average correct buzz position


2023 ACF Nationals04/22/2023Y2496%0%33%111.78


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Tracy MirkinFlorida ADuke A1910
Annabelle YangWUSTL AChicago B7310
Vincent DuNorth Carolina AToronto A7310
Tim MorrisonStanford AChicago A7410
Steven YuanUC Berkeley BHouston A7410
Raymond WangCornell ABrown A7410
Joel MilesMinnesota AColumbia A7710
Halle FriedmanNYU AVanderbilt A81-5
Cormac BeirneMcGill AIllinois A97-5
Alex PijanowskiPurdue AJohns Hopkins A98-5
Aiden DartleyRutgers AClaremont A101-5
Clark SmithOhio State AMaryland A102-5
Arya KarthikGeorgia Tech AYale A102-5
Tiffany ZhouFlorida BColumbia B107-5
Eve FleisigUC Berkeley ACornell B10910
Todd MaslykMichigan ARutgers B115-5
Isak JatoiSouth Carolina APenn State A12510
Lexi TermanRutgers BMichigan A12710
Tanis NielsenClaremont ARutgers A12710
Vedul PalavajjhalaWUSTL BPenn A13210
Joseph ChambersVirginia AYale B13310
Sharath NarayanNorthwestern AHarvard A13410
Tegan KapadiaGeorgia Tech BIowa State A13410
Robert CondronChicago CIndiana A13510
Daniel MaYale AGeorgia Tech A13510
Brad MacLaineTexas AMIT A13610
Puna EkkaMinnesota BImperial A13610
Andrew HannaVanderbilt ANYU A1360
Jonathan LauJohns Hopkins APurdue A13610
Max BrodskyIllinois AMcGill A13610
Albert ZhangColumbia BFlorida B13610
Isaac MammelMaryland AOhio State A13610