Jack Wisdom discovered sudden jumps in this quantity in test asteroids placed near the 3/1 commensurability of a restricted three-body problem. In hierarchical triple systems, mutual inclination and this quantity for the inner binary oscillate due to angular momentum exchange between the binaries. This quantity equals the square root of the expression: “one, plus 2 times energy times angular momentum squared, over reduced mass times k squared,” where k is the constant in the force law. This quantity is the magnitude of a vector that always points towards the periapsis. The denominator of the orbit equation contains the term: “this quantity times the cosine of true anomaly.” When this quantity is less than 1, energy is negative, so the orbit is bound. This quantity and the semi-major axis describe the size and shape of an orbit. For 10 points, name this quantity that is between zero and one for an elliptical orbit. ■END■
Player | Team | Opponent | Buzz Position | Value |
Adam Fine | Chicago A | Georgia Tech A | 42 | 10 |