
A poem titled for one of these creatures describes “her perishable souvenir (10[1])of hope” and compares “close-laid Ionic chiton (“KYE-ton”)-folds” to “lines in the mane of a Parthenon horse.” One of these creatures titles a poem that begins with the questions “For authorities whose hopes are shaped by mercenaries? Writers entrapped by teatime fame and by commuters’ comforts?” and was written (10[1])by Marianne Moore. (10[1])A poem (-5[1])originally published in The Atlantic Monthly describes (-5[1])one of these creatures as a “frail tenant” who “stretched in his last-found home, and knew the old (-5[1])no more.” In that poem, this creature resides “where the Siren (-5[1])sings” and “Where (-5[1])the cold sea-maids (-5[1])rise (-5[1])to sun (-5[1])their (-5[1])streaming hair.” That poem titled for one of these creatures describes its “webs of living gauze” (-5[1])as a “ship of pearl” (10[1])and states, “Build (10[1])thee (10[1])more (10[2])stately (10[1])mansions.” (10[1])For 10 points, name this sea (10[1])creature that titles an Oliver Wendell Holmes (10[3])Sr. poem in which it is “chambered.” (10[2])■END■ (10[5])

ANSWER: nautilus [or nautili; accept “The Chambered Nautilus”; accept “The Paper Nautilus”; accept chambered nautilus, chambered nautili, pearly nautilus, or pearly nautili; accept paper nautilus or paper nautili or argonauts; prompt on cephalopods, molluscs, octopus, octopodes, or octopi; reject “squid”]
<American Literature>
= Average correct buzz position


2023 ACF Nationals04/22/2023Y21100%0%48%132.71


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Arya KarthikGeorgia Tech AMIT A1110
Darren PetrosinoRutgers AVanderbilt A5910
Neal JoshiWUSTL BTexas A6210
Justin ChenNYU ACornell B64-5
Guy IndoranteIowa State ANorth Carolina A71-5
Tegan KapadiaGeorgia Tech BMinnesota B89-5
Noah SheidlowerColumbia AUC Berkeley B100-5
Ethan AshbrookMinnesota AHouston A103-5
Frederick Rivas-GiorgiYale BPurdue A106-5
Seth EbnerJohns Hopkins AChicago B107-5
Matthew LehmannWUSTL ASouth Carolina A109-5
Sky LiToronto AFlorida A110-5
Eve FleisigUC Berkeley AImperial A126-5
Ashish SubramanianDuke AChicago C13110
Clark SmithOhio State AYale A13410
Matt JacksonChicago APenn A13510
Jason HongBrown ANorthwestern A13610
Mitch McCullarIllinois AMichigan A13610
Raymond WangCornell AVirginia A13710
Caleb KendrickMaryland AHarvard A13810
William GrogerColumbia BIndiana A14410
Anuttam RamjiUC Berkeley BColumbia A15110
Tracy MirkinFlorida AToronto A15110
Enoch YuenImperial AUC Berkeley A15110
Jim FanNorth Carolina AIowa State A15810
Ben DahlPurdue AYale B15810
Puna EkkaMinnesota BGeorgia Tech B15910
Amogh KulkarniChicago BJohns Hopkins A15910
Rosa XiaCornell BNYU A15910
John BroussardHouston AMinnesota A15910
Khushi UmarwadiaSouth Carolina AWUSTL A15910