
An artist who made works in this genre was painted sleeping in a chair and standing while resting his hand on a bust in two portraits by Peter Lely, and was known to his contemporaries as “Dwarf Gibson.” Rubies surround a work in this genre made for Martha Swett by John Singleton Copley. Peter Adolf Hall, a Swedish master of this genre, became popular in France in part due to the delicate skin tones achieved from the use of ivory bases. This standalone genre evolved from Jean Clouet’s (“zhawn kloh-ay’s”) portraits on vellum of seven commanders at the Battle of Agincourt (“AHZH-in-kor”) made for an illuminated manuscript. This form was the speciality of Lucas Horenbout and the goldsmith Nicholas Hilliard. European artworks in this form evolved in parallel to those produced by artists like Mir Sayyid Ali under the Mughals. (10[1])For 10 points, what paintings often stored in handheld cases are named for their diminutive size? ■END■

ANSWER: miniature portraits [or miniatures; accept limning; prompt on painting in little; prompt on illumination; prompt on portrait painting until “portraits” is read; prompt on painting until read] (The first line refers to Richard Gibson.)
<Painting & Sculpture>
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Benjamin McAvoy-BickfordPenn AWUSTL B13610


2023 ACF Nationals04/22/2023Y1100%0%0%136.00