
A 1986 book about classical Indian theories of this concept by Bimal Krishna Matilal defends a modern version of the theory of this concept espoused in a series of sutras by Aksapāda Gautama (“ahk-shah-PAH-dah gow-TAH-mah”). A philosophical school named for the absence of this concept included Sanjaya Belatthiputtha (“sahn-JYE-uh buh-LAH-tee-POO-tah”) and other thinkers who were known as “eel-wrigglers” because of their argumentative techniques. Jain (“jyne”) philosophers typically identify five varieties of this concept, including avadhi (“ah-VAH-dee”) and mati (“MAH-tee”). In some schools, anupalabdhi (“uh-NOOP-uh-LOB-dee”), or “non-perception,” is considered one of this concept’s sources. (10[2])Upamāna (“oo-pah-MAH-nah”) and anumāna (10[1])(“ah-noo-MAH-nah”) are among (10[1])the six main sources of this (10[1])concept, or pramanas (10[5])(“prah-MAH-nahs”). The Sanskrit word for this concept is jñāna (10[2])(“dzh-NAH-nah”). For (10[1])10 points, in (10[1])classical Indian philosophy, (10[1])the sources of what concept include inference and (10[1])perception? (10[2])■END■ (10[5]0[3])

ANSWER: knowledge [accept jñāna until read; accept Perception: An Essay on Classical Indian Theories of Knowledge]
= Average correct buzz position


2023 ACF Nationals04/22/2023Y2496%0%0%106.57


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Daniel SheinbergYale AChicago B8410
Joel MilesMinnesota AIndiana A8410
Eric WolfsbergStanford AWUSTL A8710
Clark SmithOhio State AGeorgia Tech A8910
Jonathan ShaufNorth Carolina ATexas A9510
Ani PerumallaPenn State AGeorgia Tech B9810
Caleb KendrickMaryland AFlorida A9810
Ashish SubramanianDuke ABrown A9810
Alana DickeyVirginia AMcGill A9810
Matt JacksonChicago ACornell A9810
Michael MaysImperial AVanderbilt A10610
Dan NiCornell BChicago C10610
Tanis NielsenClaremont AYale B10710
Nikhil ChellamNorthwestern AToronto A11010
Todd MaslykMichigan AUC Berkeley B11310
Arjun NageswaranHarvard AUC Berkeley A12110
Vedul PalavajjhalaWUSTL BIllinois A12210
Aum MundheRutgers AIowa State A12210
William GrogerColumbia BHouston A1230
John BroussardHouston AColumbia B1230
Benjamin McAvoy-BickfordPenn ASouth Carolina A12310
Lexi TermanRutgers BJohns Hopkins A12310
Qingyu ZhangFlorida BMinnesota B12310
Jack ObermanSouth Carolina APenn A1230
Steven LiuMIT AColumbia A12310
Halle FriedmanNYU APurdue A12310