The magazine Punch called this man’s party the “surrey with the lunatic fringe on top.” Each November 11th, this man rang a replica of the Liberty Bell inscribed with the words “I toll for justice, civilization, and Christianity” to celebrate his country’s independence. This man’s government authorized Operation Dingo and Operation Eland. This man’s autobiography, republished as Bitter Harvest after being originally titled The Great Betrayal, recalled failed talks with Harold Wilson aboard HMS Tiger and HMS Fearless. This man’s government employed brutal special forces known as Selous (“suh-LOO”) Scouts. This man’s government issued a 1965 “Unilateral Declaration of Independence,” but his country did not formally separate from Britain until the 1979 Lancaster House Agreement. For 10 points, what white politician’s government lost the Bush War, leading to Robert Mugabe’s majority rule in former Rhodesia? ■END■
ANSWER: Ian Smith [or Ian Douglas Smith]
<Other History>
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