According to Pliny the Elder, exposure to things with this quality could kill the hairy Astomi of India. A possible version of Saturn, the agriculture-related Sterquilinus (“stir-quill-LINE-us”), was a minor Roman god of things with this quality, as was the possibly satirical Crepitus. In a satire by Horace, the witches Canidia and Sagana flee a graveyard when this quality is produced by a statue of Priapus. It’s not being poisonous, but in one version of a story, Melampus caused the Anigrus River to gain this quality after disposing of a potion, while in another, it gained this quality as a result of the Hydra’s venom. This quality of Philoctetes’s wound led him to be abandoned on Lemnos, whose women were cursed to have a strong form of this quality for not properly worshiping Aphrodite. For 10 points, Heracles redirected two rivers to purge the Augean stables of what sensory quality caused by the excretions of the horses? ■END■
ANSWER: having a strong scent [accept being scented, smelly, stinky, smelling bad, foul, reeking, fetid or rotten; accept smelling of or being full of farts, poop, manure, shit, or equivalents of any; accept flatulent]
= Average correct buzz position