
According to Pliny the Elder, exposure to things with this quality could kill the hairy Astomi of India. A possible version of Saturn, the agriculture-related Sterquilinus (“stir-quill-LINE-us”), was a minor Roman god of things with this quality, as was the possibly satirical Crepitus. In a satire by Horace, the witches Canidia (10[1])and Sagana flee a graveyard when this quality is produced (10[1])by a statue of Priapus. (10[1])It’s not being poisonous, but in one (10[1])version of a story, Melampus caused the Anigrus River to gain this quality (10[1])after disposing of a potion, while in (10[1])another, it gained this quality (-5[1])as a result of the Hydra’s venom. (-5[1])This quality of Philoctetes’s wound (10[3])led (10[1])him to be abandoned (10[1])on (-5[1])Lemnos, whose women were cursed to have a strong form of this quality (10[1])for not properly worshiping (10[2])Aphrodite. For 10 points, Heracles redirected two rivers to purge the Augean stables (10[1])of what (10[1])sensory quality (10[1])caused by the excretions of the horses? (10[1])■END■ (10[2])

ANSWER: having a strong scent [accept being scented, smelly, stinky, smelling bad, foul, reeking, fetid or rotten; accept smelling of or being full of farts, poop, manure, shit, or equivalents of any; accept flatulent]
= Average correct buzz position


2023 ACF Nationals04/22/2023Y20100%0%15%112.90


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Andrew HannaVanderbilt AMaryland A4910
Mitch McCullarIllinois AMIT A5910
Matt SchiavonePurdue AToronto A6410
Leah HonsingerFlorida AIndiana A7110
Jisoo YooTexas AMcGill A8410
Noah ChenColumbia BSouth Carolina A9110
Lexi TermanRutgers BColumbia A96-5
Jim FanNorth Carolina AUC Berkeley A103-5
Matt JacksonChicago AHouston A10810
Sanjay SrihariGeorgia Tech BCornell B10810
Daniel SheinbergYale AUC Berkeley B10810
Justin DuffyHarvard APenn A10910
Raymond WangCornell AIowa State A11310
Jason HongBrown AMinnesota B114-5
Alex SchmidtPenn State AChicago C12710
Daniel YangChicago BVirginia A13110
Andrew SalijNorthwestern ANYU A13110
Natan HoltzmanStanford AClaremont A14410
Hari ParameswaranGeorgia Tech AFlorida B14610
Michael MaysImperial AJohns Hopkins A14810
Shahar SchwartzUC Berkeley ANorth Carolina A15510
Puna EkkaMinnesota BBrown A15610
Geoffrey WuColumbia ARutgers B15610