
In this modern-day country, unknown perpetrators repeatedly placed mutilated female body parts outside the windowsills of well-off residents, prompting nationwide police reforms. The Concordat of 1854 entrenched the Catholic Church in this country’s government, a cause pushed by the Aycinena (“eye-see-NAY-nah”) family. Opposing Mariano Rivera Paz, the state of Los Altos separated from this country (10[1])in 1848. The “Plan of the Fatherland” (-5[1])was promulgated (-5[2])in this country by Justo Rufino Barrios, (-5[1])who tried to revive (10[1])a united state led (-5[1])50 years earlier by a different country’s (-5[1])leader Francisco Morazán. The first republican state in this country was founded by Rafael Carrera after he broke (-5[1])up the Federal (-5[1])Republic of Central (-5[1])America. British Honduras, Mexico, (10[1]-5[3])and this country ended the Mayan Caste War (10[1])in the Yucatán. (10[3])For 10 points, name this country (-5[1])where the United Fruit Company (10[1])later (10[1])sought (10[2])to depose Jacobo (“ha-COH-bo”) Árbenz. (10[2])■END■ (10[10])

ANSWER: Guatemala [or Republic of Guatemala; or República de Guatemala]
<World History>
= Average correct buzz position


2023 ACF Nationals04/22/2023Y2496%0%54%128.61


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Frederick Rivas-GiorgiYale BWUSTL B5310
Zane KierzykIndiana ANorthwestern A60-5
Yared TadesseCornell BNorth Carolina A62-5
Kevin FanMcGill ARutgers A62-5
Matthew LehmannWUSTL AOhio State A69-5
Arya KarthikGeorgia Tech ACornell A7310
Qingyu ZhangFlorida BHouston A77-5
Daniel MaYale AChicago A84-5
Ashish SubramanianDuke AMaryland A102-5
Quynh PhungPurdue AUC Berkeley B105-5
Jason HongBrown AChicago B108-5
Andrew ZengStanford AFlorida A112-5
Aidan FeinVanderbilt ARutgers B112-5
Arjun NageswaranHarvard ATexas A112-5
Justin WytmarIllinois AIowa State A11210
Alex SchmidtPenn State APenn A12010
Benjamin WeinerMinnesota BJohns Hopkins A12310
James StevensonMichigan AImperial A12310
Gareth ThorlaksonToronto AColumbia A12310
David BassVirginia AGeorgia Tech B129-5
Steven LiuMIT AUC Berkeley A13410
Dean Ah NowClaremont ASouth Carolina A13510
Forrest WeintraubColumbia BNYU A13610
Henry CafaroChicago CMinnesota A13610
Tracy MirkinFlorida AStanford A14010
Clark SmithOhio State AWUSTL A14010
S. A. ShenoyGeorgia Tech BVirginia A14110
Jim FanNorth Carolina ACornell B14110
Sharath NarayanNorthwestern AIndiana A14110
Lexi TermanRutgers BVanderbilt A14110
Amogh KulkarniChicago BBrown A14110
Brad MacLaineTexas AHarvard A14110
Matt JacksonChicago AYale A14110
Aiden DartleyRutgers AMcGill A14110
Sean DoyleHouston AFlorida B14110
Stevie MillerMaryland ADuke A14110