
Franklin Hiram King wrote a long-term history of this profession in China, Korea, and Japan. The Northern Wèi (“way”) dynasty administrator Jiǎ Sīxié (“jyah sih-sh’yeh”) wrote a handbook for members of this profession called the Qímín Yàoshù (“chee-meen yow-shoo”). Chinese members of this profession viewed the compound deities Tǔdìgōng (“too-dee-gong”) and Shèjì (“shuh-jee”) as their patrons. Two groups of members of this profession were called the Lùlín (“loo-leen”) and the Chìméi (“churr-may”). A philosophical school that celebrated the social role of this position (10[1])was inspired by the mythical Hòu (10[1]-5[1])(“ho jee”). Members (10[1])of this profession in China credited its major innovations to the Yán (“yen”) Emperor, (10[2])who (10[1])was (10[1])identified with (-5[1])Shénnóng (-5[2])(“shun-nong”). After enacting (10[2])reforms that disadvantaged this profession, (-5[1])Wáng Mǎng (10[1])(“wong mong”)faced a revolt from the “Red Eyebrows.” The Suí (10[1]-5[1])(“sway”) adopted an “equalization” (10[1])of this profession’s land (10[1])that attempted to redistribute it like the earlier (10[1])“well-field” system. For 10 points, what profession produced the “Five Cereals”? (10[1])■END■ (10[6])

ANSWER: farming [or farmers; or agriculture or agriculturalists; accept planting, planters, cultivation, or plantations; accept tillers; accept peasant farmers; accept answers that include specific crops, like rice, millet, grains, hemp, or mulberry; accept Shénnóng, nóngmín, nóngfū, or Nóngjiā until “Shénnóng” is read; accept Farmers of Forty Centuries; prompt on peasants]
<World History>
= Average correct buzz position


2023 ACF Nationals04/22/2023Y21100%0%29%114.86


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Andrew ZengStanford AMinnesota B7310
Annabelle YangWUSTL AFlorida A80-5
Roxanne TangOhio State AUC Berkeley B8010
Stevie MillerMaryland AChicago A8110
Enoch YuenImperial AChicago B9410
Collin AceRutgers BYale A9410
Dan NiCornell BClaremont A9510
Ryan SunUC Berkeley AVirginia A9610
Todd MaslykMichigan AGeorgia Tech A98-5
Qingyu ZhangFlorida BIllinois A99-5
Conor ThompsonIowa State AJohns Hopkins A99-5
Walter ZhangBrown ANYU A10110
Vincent DuNorth Carolina ACornell A10110
Andrew HannaVanderbilt AMinnesota A106-5
Aiden DartleyRutgers APenn A10810
Justin HawkinsIndiana ASouth Carolina A116-5
Elijah ScheinsonColumbia ATexas A11610
Vedul PalavajjhalaWUSTL BMcGill A11910
Tegan KapadiaGeorgia Tech BNorthwestern A12310
Sky LiToronto AYale B13110
Leo LawFlorida AWUSTL A14210
Jack ObermanSouth Carolina AIndiana A14310
Ethan AshbrookMinnesota AVanderbilt A14310
Jonathan LauJohns Hopkins AIowa State A14310
Justin WytmarIllinois AFlorida B14310
Jacob EgolDuke APenn State A14310
Hari ParameswaranGeorgia Tech AMichigan A14310