In the aftermath of this event, Richard Slater received a televised public reprimand for conspiring with foreign media. Referred to as either a cobbler, a house painter, or a taxi driver, Augustine Kamya led a local boycott that inspired this event over a decade later. Although a group nicknamed the “men dripping with oil” benefitted from this event, they later backed a similarly-named coup attempt led by Patrick Kimumwe. Those illegitimate entrepreneurs known as the mafuta mingi won their fortunes by selling off unclaimed shop inventories after this event, the highest-profile aspect of an “economic war” declared by a leader who later lost power after the Kagera War. After this event, the fourth Aga Khan lobbied Pierre Trudeau to accept over seven thousand refugees. For 10 points, comments that “Africa was for Africans” precipitated what 1972 action taken by dictator Idi Amin? ■END■
ANSWER: expulsion of Asians from Uganda [accept answers like Idi Amin’s expulsion of Asians until “Idi” is read; accept Gujaratis, Indians, Desis, or South Asians in place of “Asians”; accept word forms like expelled or expelling in place of “expulsion”; prompt on expulsion of Asians by asking “from what country?”] (The 1977 coup attempt against Amin was codenamed Operation Mafutamingi.)
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