
This playwright wrote about “the alien abroad” and “the alien at home” to subversively resist imperialist exploitation, according to Emily C. Bartels’s Spectacles of Strangeness. One of this playwright’s characters reads a letter saying “My father is deceased” and exclaims “Ah, words that make me surfeit with delight!” In that play by this author, a man notes that “the mightiest kings have had their minions,” citing the examples of people like Hylas and Hephaestion. Jupiter dandles Ganymede on his knee (10[1])at the beginning of a play by this author; that play, which may feature contributions by Thomas Nashe, is based on the Aeneid. In another play, this author anglicized the name “Lucifer” to create the name “Lightborn” for a character who uses a red hot poker (-5[1])to kill a king whose favorite is Piers Gaveston. For 10 points, name this author of Dido, Queen of Carthage and Edward II. ■END■

ANSWER: Christopher Marlowe [or Kit Marlowe]
<British Literature>
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Matt BollingerGeorgia Tech ACornell A7910
Neal JoshiWUSTL BPenn A125-5


2023 ACF Nationals04/22/2023Y250%0%50%79.00