
An artist who worked in this genre claimed he will keep all his “costumes on the shelf” in a song about a boycott of an event in which he engaged in verbal “picong duels.” Early chantwells like Julian Whiterose spearheaded this genre’s switch from French to English. This genre, which was contemporaneous with mento, was combined with Indian rhythms to create soca music. (10[1])The (10[2])Andrews Sisters were sued (10[2])for their hit (10[1])cover of a song in this genre about (10[1])US soldiers’ abuse (10[1])of local (10[1])women, (10[1])titled “Rum and Coca-Cola.” (10[3])Artists who won (10[1])competitions to become this genre’s “king” include Mighty Sparrow and Lord Kitchener. (10[1])A 1956 album titled for this genre, (-5[2])the first LP to sell over a million copies, contained the songs “Man Smart (Woman Smarter)” (10[3]-5[1])and (10[1])“Day-O (The Banana Boat (10[1])Song).” For 10 points, Harry Belafonte is associated with what genre often (10[4]0[1])played during Carnival in Trinidad? ■END■

ANSWER: calypso (The title of “Calypso King” is now “Calypso Monarch” due to the success of Calypso Rose, who won it in 1978.)
<Other Fine Arts>
= Average correct buzz position


2023 ACF Nationals04/22/2023Y24100%0%13%99.33


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Natan HoltzmanStanford AMaryland A6210
Benjamin McAvoy-BickfordPenn AClaremont A6310
Vinu HariharUC Berkeley BMinnesota B6310
Vincent DuNorth Carolina AMIT A6710
Clark SmithOhio State ABrown A6710
Ani PerumallaPenn State AYale B7010
Tracy MirkinFlorida AChicago A7810
Ashish SubramanianDuke AWUSTL A8110
Mateo Javier AcostaFlorida BPurdue A8310
Matt BollingerGeorgia Tech AChicago B8410
Joseph ChambersVirginia AIllinois A8810
Michał GerasimiukYale ACornell A8810
S. A. ShenoyGeorgia Tech BWUSTL B8810
Ryan SunUC Berkeley ATexas A9110
Mazin OmerHarvard AIndiana A10310
Todd MaslykMichigan AJohns Hopkins A110-5
Sharath NarayanNorthwestern AMinnesota A110-5
Aum MundheRutgers ASouth Carolina A12610
Rahim DinaImperial ARutgers B12610
Kevin FanMcGill AIowa State A126-5
Ian ChowToronto AChicago C12610
Forrest WeintraubColumbia BVanderbilt A12710
Noah SheidlowerColumbia ACornell B13110
Halle FriedmanNYU AHouston A14310
Joel MilesMinnesota ANorthwestern A14310
Sean DoyleHouston ANYU A1430
Conor ThompsonIowa State AMcGill A14310
Jonathan LauJohns Hopkins AMichigan A14310