A poet from this country described a “choleric light birthed from my insomnia” in a poem that ends “All night I ask you why. All night I tell you [emphasize] no.” In another poem by an author from this country, Judah León (“lay-OWN”) creates a “spacey offspring” with “eyes less human than doglike.” The speaker of a poem from this country requests a nurse to “set a lamp at my headboard; a constellation; whatever you like” before saying “if he telephones again tell him not to keep trying for I have left.” This country was the birthplace of the poet of the collection Extracting the Stone of Madness and the adopted home of a Swiss-born poet who tells a lover “pretend I’m white as snow” and “pretend I’m chaste” in her poem “You Want Me White.” Alejandra Pizarnik (“ah-leh-HAHN-drah pee-SAR-neek”) and Alfonsina Storni wrote in this country, whose payada (“pah-YAH-dah”) ballads influenced an epic poem by José Hernández. For 10 points, name this country whose national epic is Martín Fierro ■END■
ANSWER: Argentina [or Argentine Republic or República Argentina] (The first sentence refers to “[All night I hear the noise of water sobbing.]” by Alejandra Pizarnik. The second sentence refers to “The Golem” by Jorge Luis Borges. The third sentence refers to “I Am Going to Sleep” by Alfonsina Storni.)
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