The failure of theories of this force based on the spontaneous symmetry breaking of SU(2) (“S-U-two”) motivated the development of the Glashow–Weinberg–Salam (“sah-LAHM”) model. For 10 points each:
[10e] What force that is unified with the electromagnetic force at high energies is mediated by the W and Z bosons?
ANSWER: weak force [or weak nuclear force; weak interaction; accept electroweak interaction]
[10h] These electroweak interactions are responsible for the decay of a strange B meson into a muon (“MEW-on”) pair. The suppression of these interactions means the decay of a neutral kaon (“KAY-on”) into a muon pair is much rarer than the decay of a neutral kaon into a muon and neutrino.
ANSWER: flavor-changing neutral currents [or FCNCs; prompt on neutral currents; prompt on descriptions of the exchange of a Z0 boson; prompt on descriptions of interactions mediated by a Z0 boson]
[10m] The group “SU(2) (“S-U-two”) cross this group, as generated by weak hypercharge,” is the symmetry group of the electroweak interaction. This group is the symmetry group of quantum electrodynamics.
ANSWER: U(1) (“U-one”) [accept U(1) sub Y]