These round objects were said to sweat and change color near poison. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name these objects from European folklore used in treating poison or epilepsy. Though contemporary sources claimed that they were harvested from the heads of a certain animal, they are now known to be fossils of the extinct Lepidotes fish.
ANSWER: toadstones [or bufonite; accept crepaidina, accept stelon; accept ruber; prompt on stone or rock]
[10e] Edward Topsell claims that a toadstone can be extracted from the head of a toad by placing it on a cloth of this color. A fairy tale character who wears a cloak of this color says “Goodness, what big eyes you have!”
ANSWER: red [accept Little Red Riding Hood; accept shades of red like scarlet]
[10m] Toadstones were also used to detect these beings, who could be discovered by the presence of a caul or detected by cooking eggshells. Fairies were said to “swap” human babies with these deformed creatures.
ANSWER: changelings [accept auf or oaf; accept stocks or fetches; prompt on the fey]