Domenico Puligo essentially copied a depiction of this saint by another artist, changing only the background, to create what Vasari thought was the best piece of his oeuvre. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this saint whose typical depictions by Filippino Lippi and Fra Bartolomeo show him in white robes seated at a reading desk while angels surround an apparition.
ANSWER: Saint Bernard [or Bernard of Clairvaux; accept Apparition of the Virgin to Saint Bernard]
[10m] The definitive depiction of Saint Bernard was painted by this Renaissance artist of the Umbrian school. Christ hands the title objects to Saint Peter in a painting by this artist whose background shows an idealized palazzo.
ANSWER: Pietro Perugino [or Pietro Vannucci] (The second painting is the Delivery of the Keys.)
[10e] Perugino was the first to be called on by this pope to paint the Stanza of the Incendio del Borgo. Michelangelo sculpted a horned Moses for the tomb of this pope.
ANSWER: Julius II [or Giulio II or Iulius II; or Giuliano della Rovere; accept Tomb of Pope Julius II; prompt on Julius; prompt on the “Warrior Pope”]
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