
This process causes excess carrier concentration to decay to zero at a rate given by the excess carrier concentration over carrier lifetime. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this process in which an electron from the conduction band falls down to the valence band.
ANSWER: recombination [prompt on electron–hole annihilation or word forms of annihilate; reject “electron–positron annihilation”]
[10e] When current flows in the correct direction in these common semiconductor devices, electrons and holes undergo direct recombination and release a photon.
ANSWER: LEDs [or light-emitting diodes; prompt on diodes]
[10h] Theoretical analysis by William Shockley, William Read, and Robert Hall explained how recombination accompanied by phonons is mediated by these defects. Trace metals like gold form these defects that are distinct from donors or acceptors since their energy level lies in the middle of the band gap.
ANSWER: deep traps [or deep-level traps; accept charge carrier traps; prompt on recombination centers; reject “shallow traps”]

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Brown ACornell B0000
Claremont AGeorgia Tech B0000
UC Berkeley AJohns Hopkins A010010
Duke AFlorida B0000
Yale AMcGill A0000
MIT AMichigan A010010
Minnesota AHarvard A010010
NYU AMinnesota B010010
Penn AHouston A1010020
South Carolina APurdue A0000
Virginia AImperial A0000
Illinois AChicago C010010
Ohio State AColumbia A010010
North Carolina AChicago B1010020
Stanford ANorthwestern A010010
WUSTL AColumbia B1010020
UC Berkeley BWUSTL B010010
Florida AYale B010010
Penn State AGeorgia Tech A010010
Rutgers AMaryland A010010
Texas ARutgers B010010