
An accessory protein to this complex, ZRSR2, is mutated in some cases of myelodysplastic (“MY-eh-loh-diss-PLASS-tick”) syndrome. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this complex, first described by Woan-Yuh Tarn and Joan Steitz, that includes U4atac (“U-four-ah-tack”) and U6atac (“U-six-ah-tack”). This complex binds to regions with AT-AC or GT-AG sites that unusually lack a polypyrimidine (“POH-lee-pir-IH-mih-deen”) tract.
ANSWER: minor spliceosome [accept U12-dependent spliceosome; prompt on spliceosome; prompt on descriptions of an alternate splicing complex or similar]
[10e] The minor spliceosome is ubiquitously expressed, but its mutations mostly affect the nervous system. For instance, U11 mutations cause a dwarfism named for this birth defect also linked to maternal Zika virus infections.
ANSWER: microcephaly [accept microcephalic osteodysplastic primordial dwarfism; accept descriptions like “having a small head”; prompt on MOPD1]
[10m] Microcephaly-causing U11 mutations deplete these cells’ radial, Bergmann, and Müller types by forcing them to undergo neurogenesis instead of replicating or differentiating into other types of these cells.
ANSWER: glia [or radial glial cells; or neuroglia; accept Müller glia; accept Bergmann glia]

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2023 ACF Nationals04/22/2023Y237.8361%17%0%


Harvard AToronto A010010
Georgia Tech BPenn A0000
Rutgers BNYU A0000
Texas ANorthwestern A0101020
UC Berkeley BJohns Hopkins A010010
WUSTL BVirginia A010010
Rutgers AYale B010010
South Carolina AIllinois A010010
MIT AIndiana A0000
Penn State AIowa State A010010
UC Berkeley AChicago C0101020
Stanford AYale A0000
Brown AMaryland A0000
Chicago AWUSTL A010010
Cornell BMinnesota A010010
Imperial AFlorida B0000
Claremont AMcGill A0000
Columbia BMichigan A0101020
North Carolina AColumbia A0000
Ohio State AChicago B010010
Purdue AVanderbilt A010010
Cornell ADuke A001010
Georgia Tech AFlorida A010010