Parmeniscus of Metapontum lost the ability to perform this action after visiting the oracle of Trophonius. For 10 points each:
[10h] The crone Baubo was associated with what action, which the Tirynthians (“teer-IN-thee-ins”) did to a detrimental degree? According to Antoninus, Demeter transformed Ascalabus (“as-CAL-uh-bus”) into a gecko for performing this action.
ANSWER: laughing [or laughter; accept laughing at her or laughing at Demeter; prompt on joking, telling jokes, jesting, smiling, or smiles]
[10m] Parmeniscus was cured of his inability to laugh when he saw an ill-shaped piece of wood purported to be a statue of this goddess. This goddess transformed some Lycian peasants into frogs for denying her access to a fountain.
ANSWER: Leto [or Latona]
[10e] Chrysippus (“cry-SIP-us”) of Soli supposedly died of laughter while watching one of these animals eating figs. Lucius transforms into one of these animals in a Roman novel by Apuleius (“uh-POO-lee-us”).
ANSWER: donkeys [or asses; accept The Golden Ass or Asinus aureus; prompt on equines or equids; reject “mules”]