Richard Clay developed a form of this process called “claymotion” that makes heavy use of multiplexing. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this activity modeled by beats in siteswap notation. Ladder diagrams document types of this activity like “Mills’ Mess” and “Rubenstein’s Revenge.”
ANSWER: juggling [or word forms of juggle; accept specific types of juggling, such as toss juggling or ball juggling]
[10m] This thinker built an early juggling robot from an Erector set and published the first mathematical equation of juggling, correlating air time to time in hand. From his “toy room” at MIT, this thinker created the toy mouse Theseus and estimated the game complexity of chess.
ANSWER: Claude Shannon [or Claude Elwood Shannon; accept Shannon number]
[10e] A variation of column juggling named for these toys keeps two balls moving together as if attached by string. These toys with a Tagalog name can have modified axles to make tricks like “walking the dog” easier.
ANSWER: yo-yos [or bandalore]
<Other Academic>