During a St. Louis convention, muckraker Henry Demarest Lloyd lamented the impending destruction of the “Omaha Platform” if it wholeheartedly endorsed this position. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this position that provided a nickname to Missouri Representative Richard P. Bland, who names the “Grand Bland Plan” to codify this position into law.
ANSWER: free silver [accept bimetallism; prompt on “Silver Dick”]
[10e] Lloyd published the 1894 book Wealth Against Commonwealth as an exposé against this company. Ida Tarbell wrote a “History of” this company run by John D. Rockefeller.
ANSWER: Standard Oil [accept The History of the Standard Oil Company; prompt on Standard]
[10h] Near the end of his life, Lloyd studied democracy in this country for the posthumously-released book A Sovereign People. James W. Marshall built a sawmill on territory called a “New” version of this country.
ANSWER: Switzerland [or Helvetica; or Swiss Confederation, der Schweiz, Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft, Confédération suisse, Confederazione Svizzera, Confederaziun svizra, or Confoederatio Helvetica; accept New Helvetia or Nueva Helvetia or New Switzerland] (Marshall was employed by Swiss immigrant John Sutter to build the mill, where he discovered gold in 1848.)
<American History>