Answer some questions about stasis (“STAH-siss”), or civil strife in the Greek polis, for 10 points each.
[10m] Stasis between democrats and oligarchs in Epidamnus began a war between this island and its mother colony, Corinth. This island then allied with Athens to fight Corinth at Sybota, largely causing the Peloponnesian War.
ANSWER: Corcyra [or Korkyra; or Corfu]
[10e] In Sicyon, Euphron became tyrant after a stasis by playing on opposition to this city, which dominated much of the Peloponnese. This city tried to avoid stasis by controlling the helots in its Messenian hinterlands.
ANSWER: Sparta [or Lacedaemon]
[10h] Archaic staseis (“STAH-sace”) in this city caused the Penthilids’ ouster, Myrsilus’s tyranny, and the rule of one of the “Seven Sages.” Much later, Diodotus argued against “haste and anger” towards the participants in a stasis in this city.
ANSWER: Mytilene [accept Mytilenean Debate; accept Myrsilus of Mytilene; accept Pittacus of Mytilene]
<Other History>