André Leroi-Gourhan’s (“luh-RWAH-goo-RON’s”) coinage of this phrase was influenced by Marcel Mauss’s (“moce’s”) work on total social facts. For 10 points each:
[10h] Give this two-word French term for all the processes and actions involved in the production and use of artifacts.
ANSWER: chaîne opératoire (“shen oh-pay-rah-TWAR”)
[10e] The chaîne opératoire concept is often used to analyze the creation of stone tools, a process known as this kind of “reduction.” With a prefix meaning “old,” this adjective refers to a period that ended around 10,000 BCE.
ANSWER: lithic [accept Paleolithic; accept lithic reduction]
[10m] In this process of lithic reduction, flakes are broken off from flint or other similar rocks to fashion a tool.
ANSWER: knapping [accept flint knapping]
<Social Science>