Maps of lake morphology described by this term are created by preparing a survey of the shoreline and then doing a series of soundings. For 10 points each:
[10m] Give this term that refers to the topography of the floor of aquatic environments.
ANSWER: bathymetry [accept bathymetric maps]
[10h] This lake morphometric quantity is found in the denominator of Håkanson and Jansson’s (“YAHN-sonz”) dynamic ratio for predicting sediment distribution. The morphoedaphic (“MORPH-oh-ee-DAY-fick”) indices used to predict fish yields are a simple ratio of some nutrient value, such as the concentration of dissolved solids, to this quantity.
ANSWER: mean depth [or average depth; prompt on depth]
[10e] Mean depth exhibits a general inverse correlation to this quantity. The primary form of this quantity is the amount of biomass generated by autotrophs.
ANSWER: biological productivity [accept primary productivity or primary production]
<Other Science>