
One work titled for these people attacked James Fordyce’s sermons addressed to these people. A Serious Proposal to [these people] about building schools for them was written by an author who influenced the Blue Stockings Society. A treatise titled for these people opens by asking “are you capable of being fair?” One of these people influenced a defense of their rights in a work on their (10[1])“Subjection” by John (10[1])Stuart Mill. (10[2])The fifth chapter (10[1])of A Vindication of the Rights of [these people] critiqued the character of Sophia from Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s treatise Emile. For 10 points, name these people whose rights (-5[1])were defended by Mary Wollstonecraft and other early feminists. (10[1])■END■

ANSWER: women [accept wives or ladies or sisters or other equivalents]
<Philosophy - Philosophy>
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Geoffrey Wu (UG)Columbia AFordham6510
Ashish KumbhardareRowanNYU B6810
Nitya Nigam (UG)Columbia BSwarthmore B7010
Keegan Martin (UG)NYU ALehigh7010
Chenyao Liu (DII)PennSwarthmore A7310
Eli Mendoza (DII)NYU CUniversity of Delaware A100-5
Daniel Shannon (DII)University of Delaware ANYU C10910


2023 ACF Fall (Rutgers)10/14/2023Y6100%0%17%75.83