
Debates about the appearance of this work’s protagonist often center on the meaning of the word “Ungeziefer”(“oon-get-SEE-fer”). The corpse of one character in this story is discovered by a cleaning woman who earlier threatened to hit that character with a chair. The main character of this story covers a portrait of a woman in furs to (10[1])prevent his mother from taking it out of his room. In (10[1])this story, the father of the protagonist throws an apple that lodges in his back, while the only member of (10[1])his family to care for him is his sister, the violin-playing Grete (“GREH-tuh”). For 10 points, name (10[1])this story by Franz Kafka about (10[1])Gregor Samsa, a textile salesman who wakes up transformed into a giant insect. ■END■

ANSWER: “The Metamorphosis” [or “Die Verwandlung”]
<Literature - European Literature>
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Frank Paz (DII)Swarthmore AMaryland5410
Ivy Chen (DII)PrincetonSwarthmore B6510
Nat KuNYU BUniversity of Delaware B8510
Geoffrey Wu (UG)Columbia AColumbia B10110
Udbhav Bodapati (DII)University of Delaware ARowan10710


2023 ACF Fall (Rutgers)10/14/2023Y5100%0%0%82.40