
Before dying, this character exclaims, “thou desperate pilot, now at once run on the dashing rocks thy seasick weary bark!” In one passage, this character employs an extended celestial metaphor in describing a sun that would“kill the envious moon” and eyes like stars that would make birds sing and think it wasn’t night. This (10[1])character calls his lips “two (10[1])blushing pilgrims” after (10[1])meeting a character at a ball that he initially attended hoping (10[1])to meet Rosaline. Another character tells this character to “deny thy father and (10[1])refuse thy name” during (10[1])a “balcony scene.” For 10 points, name this character from the Montague family who titles a Shakespeare play with Juliet. ■END■

ANSWER: Romeo Montague [prompt on Montague before read]
<Literature - British Literature>
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Finn Doyle (DII)PrincetonSwarthmore A5310
Nat KuNYU BColumbia A5810
Vincent Zhang (DII)PennLehigh6110
Patrick Torre (DII)MarylandUniversity of Delaware A7210
KatyDelaware BNYU C8510
Keegan Martin (UG)NYU ARowan8910


2023 ACF Fall (Rutgers)10/14/2023Y6100%0%0%69.67