
It’s not children, but a controversial 2003 study by Betty Hart and Todd Risley argued that people with this characteristic suffered from a “30 million word gap.” Speakers may use languages associated with this characteristic to gain “covert prestige,” according to William Labov’s 1966 study of department stores. Estuary English is associated with this characteristic, like another (10[1])English dialect whose features include (-5[1])th-fronting and dropping an h before a stressed (-5[1])vowel. (10[1]-5[2])Speakers of Mockney sometimes claim this characteristic by using the negative “ain’t”rather than “isn’t.” For 10 points, regional English dialects such as Scouse and Cockney are usually associated with speakers from what type of background? ■END■

ANSWER: lower class [or working class or low socioeconomic status or low SES or low privilege or underprivileged or socioeconomic disadvantage; accept low-income or low wealth or poverty or being poor; accept low-prestige; accept middle class; prompt on low register or informal or casual; prompt on Cockney or Mockney before mention by asking “that dialect is often associated with what wider characteristic?”; prompt on descriptions of low educational level by asking “low educational attainment is often associated with what socioeconomic characteristic?”; prompt on people from East-End by asking “the English spoken by people from East-End is often associated with what socioeconomic characteristic?”; reject “privileged” or “upper class” or “high socio-economic status” or “educated”]
<Social Science - Social Science>
= Average correct buzz position


2023 ACF Fall (Rutgers)10/14/2023Y743%0%57%77.67


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Geoffrey Wu (UG)Columbia ASwarthmore B5610
Lucas Shedlock (DII)PrincetonNYU A61-5
Nat KuNYU BRutgers69-5
Elias Ziyadeh (DII)PennMaryland7010
Nitya Nigam (UG)Columbia BNYU C70-5
MaryFordhamDelaware B70-5
Rio Lucenet (UG)NYU CColumbia B10710
Shadmehr Khan (UG)RutgersNYU B1070
Keegan Martin (UG)NYU APrinceton1070
Ashish KumbhardareRowanSwarthmore A1070
Jasmine Bao (UG)Swarthmore ARowan1070
KatyDelaware BFordham1070