
This artist depicted a seated figure playing the tambourine while Rosina Ferrara dances on top of a rooftop on the island of Capri. A portrait of four sisters by this artist features the youngest on the ground playing with a doll in the foreground while the two older sisters stand in the shadows (-5[1])of a porcelain vase. This artist depicted two girls holding glowing lanterns in a floral garden in the work Carnation Lily, Lily, Rose. This painter edited one of his portraits to lift a jeweled dress strap onto the shoulder after that painting was criticized for its promiscuous depiction of Virginie Gautreau in a black satin dress. For 10 points, name this American (10[1])painter of Portrait (10[1])of Madame X. ■END■ (0[5])

ANSWER: John Singer Sargent (The unnamed work in the 2nd line is The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit.)
<Fine Arts - Visual Fine Arts>
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Rio Lucenet (UG)NYU CNYU A52-5
Catherine Fiore (DII)University of Delaware BRowan11410
Patrick Torre (DII)MarylandColumbia A11710
Finn Doyle (DII)PrincetonColumbia B1210
Andrew Yang (UG)Columbia BPrinceton1210
Kaiden Carey (DII)PennSwarthmore B1210
Keegan Martin (UG)NYU ANYU C1210
Alex Shi (DII)Swarthmore BPenn1210


2023 ACF Fall (Rutgers)10/14/2023Y540%0%20%115.50