
During this conflict, the Battle of Mello ended a peasant revolt led by a man often called Jack Goodfellow. Mercenary free companies known as routiers caused widespread destruction and captured John II “the Good” during this conflict. The Jacquerie uprising took place during this conflict. One side’s heavy use (10[1])of longbows (10[1])in (10[1])this conflict secured a pivotal victory (10[1])at a battle fought on Saint Crispin’s Day. (10[1])Edward the Black Prince achieved major victories during this conflict at the Battles of Crécy (-5[1])and Poitiers (“PWUH-tee-ay”). For 10 points, the Battle of Agincourt (“AH-jin-cor”) took place during what wider conflict between England and France, (10[1])which lasted just over a century? ■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: Hundred Years’ War [prompt on Edwardian War or Caroline War or Lancastrian War or Jacquerie or Battle of Agincourt or Battle of Poitiers by asking “that took place within what wider conflict?”]
<History - European History>
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Finn Doyle (DII)PrincetonNYU A4810
Geoffrey Wu (UG)Columbia ASwarthmore B5010
Elias Ziyadeh (DII)PennMaryland5110
AidanFordhamDelaware B5710
Ashish KumbhardareRowanSwarthmore A6510
Carter HohlColumbia BNYU C80-5
Luke McCrory (DII)NYU BRutgers9910
Rishi Sondhi (DII)NYU CColumbia B10610


2023 ACF Fall (Rutgers)10/14/2023Y7100%0%14%68.00