
Gaius Appuleius Diocles’s prowess in this activity led him to amass a fortune equal to around 15 billion dollars today. (10[1])Bigae and quadrigae were used for this activity, (10[1])which was performed at specially designed locations containing a central strip known as a spina and gates called carceres. The Blues and the Greens were groups (10[1])centered on this activity in the Byzantine Empire. (10[1])During the Nika Riots, Justinian the Great was attacked by crowds attending this activity. The Hippodrome of Constantinople and the Circus Maximus both primarily held this type of competition. (10[1])For 10 points, identify this sport in the Roman world featuring teams of two or four horses. ■END■

ANSWER: chariot racing [prompt on racing or sports; reject “horse racing”]
<History - Other History>
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Ben Rotko (UG)Swarthmore BPrinceton1910
Geoffrey Wu (UG)Columbia AColumbia B2710
Patrick Torre (DII)MarylandSwarthmore A5310
Ashish KumbhardareRowanUniversity of Delaware A6110
Nat KuNYU BUniversity of Delaware B9010


2023 ACF Fall (Rutgers)10/14/2023Y5100%0%0%50.00