
Mitch Epstein took a photo of one of these objects wrapped in a dry cleaners bag. In a Stanley Forman photograph, Joseph Rakes uses one of these objects to assault Ted Landsmark (10[1])during the 1976 Boston busing crisis. Ella Watson poses with a mop and broom in front of one of these objects in a Gordon Parks photograph. (10[1])One of these objects is the focus of a Joe Rosenthal photograph on Mount Suribachi. (10[1])In that (10[1])Pulitzer-winning (10[1])photo, one of these objects is placed on the island (10[1])of Iwo Jima (10[1])during a Japanese defeat. Neil Armstrong took a photograph of Buzz Aldrin next to one of these objects on the Moon. For 10 points, name this object with 50 stars and 13 stripes. ■END■

ANSWER: American flag [or U.S. flag; accept alternate names like Old Glory; accept Stars and Stripes before read; accept flagpole before “Gordon Parks” is mentioned; prompt on flag by asking “what flag?”]
<Fine Arts - Other Fine Arts>
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Patrick Torre (DII)MarylandRutgers3110
Ashish KumbhardareRowanFordham5710
Finn Doyle (DII)PrincetonUniversity of Delaware B7210
Will Hollister (DII)LehighNYU B7410
Daniel Shannon (DII)University of Delaware ASwarthmore B7510
Rio Lucenet (UG)NYU CSwarthmore A8510
AndrewNYU AColumbia B8810


2023 ACF Fall (Rutgers)10/14/2023Y7100%0%0%68.86