In the Nihon Shoki, this ruler defeated a group of Emishi, or “shrimp barbarians,” before ascending to the throne. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this mythical first emperor of Japan, who was accompanied by a red crow while conquering Yamato.
ANSWER: Jimmu Tenno
[10e] The emperor Jimmu received one of these weapons from his grandfather Ninigi nicknamed “grass-cutter,”which became part of the Japanese Imperial Regalia. Along with bows, samurai wielded these weapons in battle.
ANSWER: swords [accept katana or Kusanagi]
[10m] Through his grandfather, Jimmu is related to a god of one of these places. Jimmu’s grandfather Hoori visited one of these places, whose movements are controlled by jewels held by the kami Ryujin.
ANSWER: seas [or oceans; prompt on water]
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