2023 ACF Nationals

Round 15: Imperial A vs. UC Berkeley B

UC Berkeley B


Steven Yuan2020
Kevin Ye115
Rohan Shelke3030
Anuttam Ramji4040
10 bonuses for 150 points (15 PPB)

Imperial A


Enoch Yuen3030
Michael Mays3220
Rahim Dina1010
Carlos Doebeli000
7 bonuses for 80 points (11.43 PPB)

Steven YuanKevin YeRohan ShelkeAnuttam RamjiBonusesTotalTUEnoch YuenMichael MaysRahim DinaCarlos DoebeliBonusesTotal
10 1200001010
10210 8810101040
10310 7800050
10410 12710070
10510 140001090
10 9910101050690
10 1261010080790
80910 13201010120
801010 520100140
10 85001010011140
10 92001012012140
-5 103115130 136140
10 136001013514140
10 1381001016515140
1651610 147000150
10 154001018517-5 120145
10 13710101022518-5 60140
10 102010024520140
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text