2023 ACF Nationals

Round 15: Cornell A vs. Ohio State A

Cornell A


Nathan Zhang1010
Geoffrey Chen3125
Raymond Wang5050
Jonathan Tran3125
12 bonuses for 230 points (19.17 PPB)

Ohio State A


Clark Smith4040
Chris Ray120
Roxanne Tang000
Pranav Sivaram1010
6 bonuses for 110 points (18.33 PPB)

Nathan ZhangGeoffrey ChenRaymond WangJonathan TranBonusesTotalTUClark SmithChris RayRoxanne TangPranav SivaramBonusesTotal
10 127010103010
10 126101006020
-5 6955310 1151010030
10 11010075430
75510 116001050
10 119101010115650
10 130101001457-5 9545
145810 12210101085
-5 71140910 1460100105
10 610101017010105
10 83001019011105
10 880101022012105
0 13622013-5 35100
2201410 9910010130
0 139220150 139130
10 54010024016130
10 950101027017130
2701810 7210010160
10 9310101031019160
10 75010033020160
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text