2023 ACF Nationals

Round 11: NYU A vs. Rutgers B

Rutgers B


Lexi Terman3030
Collin Ace3125
Alan Wu115
Ameya Phadnis1010
8 bonuses for 80 points (10 PPB)



Nat Ku000
Keegan Martin000
Justin Chen4040
Halle Friedman3125
7 bonuses for 90 points (12.86 PPB)

Lexi TermanCollin AceAlan WuAmeya PhadnisBonusesTotalTUNat KuKeegan MartinJustin ChenHalle FriedmanBonusesTotal
-5 74-5110 155001020
10 136010015220
0 143153-5 7015
-5 1161040 15315
10510 109100035
10 133010030635
30710 1270101065
30810 134001085
10 1250004090 12585
10 14410100701085
10 113010101001185
10 12410001201285
10 14610001401385
1401410 10300095
0 160140150 16095
0 137140160 13795
1401710 13001010125
0 139140180 139125
1401910 9310100155
10 11500015020155
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text