BHSU at UC Berkeley

Round 1: UC Berkeley A vs. Stanford A

Stanford A


Tim Morrison14150
Ethan Strombeck03125
Natan Holtzman23060
13 bonuses for 280 points (21.54 PPB)

UC Berkeley A


Shahar Schwartz0120
Eve Fleisig12035
Swapnil Garg03125
Ryan Sun11120
9 bonuses for 150 points (16.67 PPB)

Tim MorrisonEthan StrombeckNatan HoltzmanBonusesTotalTUShahar SchwartzEve FleisigSwapnil GargRyan SunBonusesTotal
-5 62-5110 132010020
-5210 1111010050
-5310 102001070
15 511010030470
15 250101065570
65615 45010095
10 88010085795
10 691000105895
105910 840010115
10 1081001013510115
1351110 12110100145
10 13310101017512-5 67140
15 760101021013140
2101410 7801010170
10 13110101025015-5 17165
-5 1202451610 125101010205
10 1231010027517-5 74200
10 831010030518200
3051915 6901010235
10 11610101034520-5 82230
10 10810101038521230
10 911010041522230
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text