2025 ACF Regionals at North Carolina

Round 10: Liberty A vs. Liberty B

Liberty B


Jonathan Bost1010
Samuel Miller115
Cole Humble1010
Miller Doerr3030
6 bonuses for 50 points (8.33 PPB)

Liberty A


Josh Schmidt4040
Aidan Jones2020
Caleb Hines3030
Nathan Redford120
10 bonuses for 120 points (12 PPB)

Jonathan BostSamuel MillerCole HumbleMiller DoerrBonusesTotalTUJosh SchmidtAidan JonesCaleb HinesNathan RedfordBonusesTotal
-5 92-5110 120001020
-5210 1260101050
10 118100015350
10 105000254-5 7645
0 12225545
0 139256-5 10840
0 1202570 12040
10 121001045840
45910 85001060
10 1410100651060
10 1000100851160
851210 117010080
851310 12810100110
851410 1241000130
0 1398515130
10 97100010516130
1051710 1101000150
1051810 1180100170
0 1181051910 1180100190
1052010 1390100210
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text