2025 ACF Regionals at North Carolina

Round 7: Liberty B vs. South Carolina A

South Carolina A


Connor Ronan2020
Braeden LaRoche120
Robert Freeman3125
Benny Shtutman4040
10 bonuses for 110 points (11 PPB)

Liberty B


Miller Doerr1010
Cole Humble01-5
Samuel Miller1010
Jonathan Bost4040
6 bonuses for 40 points (6.67 PPB)

Connor RonanBraeden LaRocheRobert FreemanBenny ShtutmanBonusesTotalTUMiller DoerrCole HumbleSamuel MillerJonathan BostBonusesTotal
0 141010 1410
10 11201002020
10 1250003030
10 1190004040
10 150101007050
10 681010010060
0 13210070 1320
10 11800101208-5 118-5
120910 121100015
10 13101001401015
-5 74135110 12315
10 11610001551215
1551310 94100035
10 83101001851435
0 1201851510 120010055
-5 109180160 11455
-5 941751710 131001075
1751810 8500085
10 13801001951985
1952010 10500095
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text