2025 ACF Regionals at Imperial

Round 10: Manchester A vs. Sheffield A

Sheffield A


Andrew Fisher3030
Jacob Price1010
CT Tang1010
Freddy Potts4040
9 bonuses for 90 points (10 PPB)

Manchester A


Joel Crossley2115
Nathan Easow4230
Kai Madgwick2115
8 bonuses for 110 points (13.75 PPB)

Andrew FisherJacob PriceCT TangFreddy PottsBonusesTotalTUJoel CrossleyNathan EasowKai MadgwickBonusesTotal
0110 102010020
10 11100010220
10 1331000303-5 4415
10 144100050415
0 12250515
50610 124010035
50710 121010055
50810 118010075
10 139100070975
701010 73010095
10 520100901195
901210 1250100115
10 921001012013115
1201410 11310100145
120150 131145
10 11300013016-5 75140
10 72010015017140
1501810 139101010180
0 12215019-5 72175
10 1430101018020-5 100170
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text