2025 ACF Regionals at Imperial

Round 10: NYU C vs. Southampton A



Jacob Hardin-Bernhardt9090
9 bonuses for 90 points (10 PPB)

Southampton A


Christian Sherrington1010
Cormac Stephenson2210
Rose Daffin02-10
Zayyan Mahmood4040
7 bonuses for 40 points (5.71 PPB)

Jacob Hardin-BernhardtBonusesTotalTUChristian SherringtonCormac StephensonRose DaffinZayyan MahmoodBonusesTotal
10 76101003010
10 127000402-5 120-5
10 491000603-5
10 1441000804-5
0 1358060 135-5
10 10701001007-5
0 150100810 1500005
100910 119010025
10 11710001201025
1201110 114010045
0 12512012-5 8240
1201310 119010060
10 117101001501460
1501510 13100070
0 11315016-5 6365
1501710 4100075
10 390001601875
10 122010018019-5 5570
1802010 122100090
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text