2025 ACF Regionals at Tufts

Round 4: Brandeis B vs. Tufts A

Brandeis B


Mitchell Peran000
Michael Sun5145
Kaitlyn Farrin1010
Andrew Messersmith3030
9 bonuses for 90 points (10 PPB)

Tufts A


Julia Appel000
Ethan Siskel2020
Will Zhang1010
John Cha000
Isaac Meredith4135
7 bonuses for 80 points (11.43 PPB)

Mitchell PeranMichael SunKaitlyn FarrinAndrew MessersmithBonusesTotalTUJulia AppelEthan SiskelWill ZhangJohn ChaIsaac MeredithBonusesTotal
10 10700102010
20210 4100010
10 10900030310
30410 138001030
30510 4900040
10 98010050640
50710 631010070
0 1205080 12070
10 11500060970
-5 79551070
10 1310100751170
751210 9501010100
10 12800109513-5 5695
10 861010101351495
1351510 11810100125
1351610 1170010145
10 86100015517145
0 138155180 138145
10 73010017519145
0 126175200 126145
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text