2025 ACF Regionals at Penn State

Round 9: Georgetown B vs. Notre Dame C

Georgetown B


Meggy Mani2020
Ben Horning4135
Amanda Zhao3125
9 bonuses for 40 points (4.44 PPB)

Notre Dame C


Matthew Amante1010
Patrick Boyle115
Christopher Joseph2020
Will Sanders3125
7 bonuses for 90 points (12.86 PPB)

Meggy ManiBen HorningAmanda ZhaoBonusesTotalTUMatthew AmantePatrick BoyleChristopher JosephWill SandersBonusesTotal
10 12210100301-5 109-5
10 127000402-5 122-10
10 1171000603-10
0 1446040 144-10
0 1226050 122-10
-5 1245560 135-10
10 107000657-10
-5 13060810 1500000
60910 144010020
601010 751010050
601110 131100070
601210 94010090
0 13960130 13990
10 129000701490
10 1260100901590
901610 10610010120
10 12800010017120
10 12900011018120
10 12200012019120
1202010 14310100150
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text