2025 ACF Regionals at Penn State

Round 5: Georgetown B vs. Northwestern A

Georgetown B


Meggy Mani1010
Ben Horning2020
3 bonuses for 20 points (6.67 PPB)

Northwestern A


Chris Sims7260
Nikhil Chellam01-5
Sharath Narayan4135
Matt Schiavone3030
14 bonuses for 260 points (18.57 PPB)

Meggy ManiBen HorningBonusesTotalTUChris SimsNikhil ChellamSharath NarayanMatt SchiavoneBonusesTotal
10 131000101-5 121-5
10210 1051001025
103-5 9820
10 9000020420
20510 123001040
20610 76010060
207-5 5155
20810 370101085
20910 121101010125
201010 12710100155
201110 770010175
201210 92101010215
10 80100105013215
501410 3910010245
501510 15010100275
501610 680010295
501710 660010315
5018-5 91310
501910 11301010340
502010 103101010380
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text