2025 ACF Regionals at Penn State

Round 2: Georgetown B vs. Northwestern B

Georgetown B


Meggy Mani2020
Ben Horning1010
3 bonuses for 10 points (3.33 PPB)

Northwestern B


Ved Muthusamy2020
Jacob Puthipiroj5240
Azura Gollamudi3030
Andrew Vincent000
Stephen Walsh3030
13 bonuses for 190 points (14.62 PPB)

Meggy ManiBen HorningBonusesTotalTUVed MuthusamyJacob PuthipirojAzura GollamudiAndrew VincentStephen WalshBonusesTotal
0110 10610101040
0210 133010060
10 1350100203-5 8155
20410 931010085
20510 9510100115
0 1272060 127115
20710 1001000135
20810 1030010155
10 1220003090 122155
301010 850010175
301110 890010195
0 14530120 145195
301310 571000215
0 1243014-5 99210
10 1200004015210
401610 1431000230
401710 9310100260
401810 1240100280
401910 12701010310
0 14340200 143310
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text