2025 ACF Regionals at Central Florida

Round 2: Central Florida B vs. Valencia A

Valencia A


Clete Reinberger111105
11 bonuses for 80 points (7.27 PPB)

Central Florida B


Anna Barker4135
Raj Doshi3030
7 bonuses for 60 points (8.57 PPB)

Clete ReinbergerBonusesTotalTUAnna BarkerRaj DoshiBonusesTotal
10 11800102010
10 1240003020
30310 98010020
10 91100050520
50610 84010040
10 11100060740
60810 108001060
60910 7300070
-5 119551010 122001090
10 1250010751190
7512-5 13485
10 1221000951385
10 11600101151485
1151510 920100105
10 133010013516105
10 106010015517105
10 12400016518105
1651910 1130010125
10 143010018520125
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text