2025 ACF Regionals at Kenyon

Round 7: Michigan B vs. Michigan State A

Michigan State A


Cade Smith2115
Anton Akroush2020
Andrew Harms2020
Ethan Newman01-5
6 bonuses for 90 points (15 PPB)

Michigan B


Biyang Zhang5050
Kevin Zheng2020
Adam Monusko2020
Mitchell Indek3030
12 bonuses for 160 points (13.33 PPB)

Cade SmithAnton AkroushAndrew HarmsEthan NewmanBonusesTotalTUBiyang ZhangKevin ZhengAdam MonuskoMitchell IndekBonusesTotal
0110 1221010030
10 119100020230
10 91010040330
0 1204040 12030
40510 1401010060
40610 108010080
0 1324070 13280
-5 9235810 1230010100
35910 841000120
351010 8610100150
10 10500105511150
10 1011010109512150
10 49010011513150
10 410101014514150
1451510 800010170
0 1141451610 11410100200
1451710 10601010230
-5 411401810 141000240
1401910 940100260
1402010 850100280
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text