2025 ACF Regionals at Cornell

Round 7: Binghamton A vs. Cornell D

Binghamton A


Peter Smith2020
Giuseppe Piccirilli3220
Owen Linder2020
Elijah O'Sick Johnson1010
8 bonuses for 100 points (12.5 PPB)

Cornell D


Pranaav Senthilkumar8270
Kritanu Saha000
8 bonuses for 90 points (11.25 PPB)

Peter SmithGiuseppe PiccirilliOwen LinderElijah O'Sick JohnsonBonusesTotalTUPranaav SenthilkumarKritanu SahaBonusesTotal
-5 128-510 1340
-5210 106010020
10 98010015320
15410 132001040
10 12401010455-5 7435
10 147100065635
65710 103001055
10 1040101095855
10 1381000115955
10 13710001351055
-5 114130110 11555
1301210 76001075
0 1401301375
1301410 111100095
10 11401001501595
1501610 991000115
1501710 1030010135
10 61100017018135
1701910 8601010165
0 12217020-5 92160
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text