2024 ACF Winter at Lehigh

Round 10: Columbia B vs. Penn B

Columbia B


Olin Bose4040
Chauncey Lo3125
Elijah Scheinson2020
Patrick Rivas-Giorgi3125
12 bonuses for 220 points (18.33 PPB)

Penn B


Srikar Venkatesan2210
Elis Ziyadeh2115
Vedh Ramesh2115
Zachary Leblang01-5
6 bonuses for 60 points (10 PPB)

Olin BoseChauncey LoElijah ScheinsonPatrick Rivas-GiorgiBonusesTotalTUSrikar VenkatesanElis ZiyadehVedh RameshZachary LeblangBonusesTotal
10 11710002010
20310 84001020
10 9500030420
10 1211001060520
0 131607-5 3715
10 104101010100815
10 1130100120915
10 119101001501015
1501110 10010101055
-5 871451210 1370101085
10 12110001651385
0 12716514-5 7280
10 78010018515-5 2275
10 1251001021516-5 5170
10 83101002451770
10 12501002651870
10 99101002951970
-5 772902010 126001090
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text